This time of year as I celebrate the holidays, I feel an undercurrent of belief everywhere. I continue with traditions as waves of nostalgia arrive to carry me through my days and nights of celebrating and longing. I love decorating my home and unpacking all of my treasures from past holidays. Many of them go in their same spots year after year and it is such a good feeling when we follow the familiar at the holidays. I feel like it brings me closer to those that I can’t be with when I do the things that we used to do together. The holiday rituals are grounding, comforting and joyful and I believe they matter and make a huge difference going forward. Every time I honor a tradition or take the time to look at our memories, I feel like I am shoring up a building or making a stronger bridge.

Our Christmas Tree is a sparkling trip down memory lane. Ornaments that mark accomplishments, additions to the family, favorite things and private jokes. Honors and memorials for all those we’ve loved and lost. Faded, weathered ones that have a place every year because they are simply ours. I even feel bad if I can’t fit an ornament onto the tree and so it’s very crowded. It stands so imperfectly perfect as a testament to our stories and the battles and victories of our days. I could have a themed, well planned and carefully decorated tree but it would not feel like me, like us. That is not what I believe my tree should be and if I go against my beliefs even in small ways, it never feels as good as it does when I do what I want and what I believe is right for me. When the tree lights are the only thing on in the house, I often just sit in front of it and stare. I am once again transported and overwhelmed with emotion. I add a new ornament or two every year but it is my belief in the importance of our traditions and the strength and connection we get from them that dictates what is there, what is everywhere. Conversations during this time of year seem to be tucked into every corner and I hear the pattern of belief in most all of them. My beliefs give me strength and conviction and there are times I feel like they are alive and walking with me when I have to do hard things. Beliefs are so personal, no matter if we are talking about daily routines, spirituality or believing in Santa Claus.

“Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe. If you believe, clap your hands!” - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

I sprinkle my beliefs into most everything I do. There are lots of things I believe in that I often don’t reveal, not withholding - just protecting. I think that when we talk about or feel about our beliefs and follow through, there is such a strong beauty there. Sometimes when we are so hurried and we don’t know or maybe even care how we are going to do it all, it really helps to pause and slow down for a moment or two and remember to remember - what we believe about what we are doing, saying or being. What is the goal, how do we want to show up in the world, where are we headed and do we believe?

Belief can be secret, an invisible flag you wave or a seal that you set upon your heart. No need for anyone to know about this but you, it’s ok. They can add another layer of power and determination in our day to day life, maybe not always necessary but they are like a little turbo boost that is there for us, just in case. In regards to Reiki for example, I believe it is beneficial to mind, body and spirit and this ancient healing does not need my belief in it for validation or effectiveness but my belief matters, is extremely important and it empowers just the same.

I believe that nature provides and yet we are not above it by any means, we are indeed actually part of it. Make no mistake, nature knows and feels. We are connected and we should take much better care of the collective, the planet and yes this includes the animals. As within so without and as above so below. When we stay in alignment with this belief and we understand we are a part of it, we are more mindful, we eat with the seasons, we take care of everything we can - there is an ease and a peace and a flow that will not be there if we don’t. I can feel a oneness and a connection and an inner calm like I am floating in peaceful water not swimming against the current when I do. I believe in this and it aligns with my vision for my life and for the world so I try my best to stay in this alignment and I try to make sure I don’t exhaust myself with the wrong things. Obviously this doesn’t happen all of the time but when I am living in belief, I feel strong and happy and empowered and tucked in by the universe with that kiss on the forehead.

Believing in love and the transformative power of it, the strength of it, the magic of it…..that - is everything ! If you have love, never let it go. It can be difficult when we believe in someone and the love we feel for them and the bond seems to weaken, breaks or maybe it is an unrequited love. It is sometimes almost impossible to hold fast to your belief in a person or a union or a destiny when all signs point to no. If we stay true to what we believe while taking care of ourselves, things will align just as they were meant to. Nothing wrong with keeping your belief tucked away, you will know if it’s worth it and you will hear the tinkling of little bells or maybe whispers inside of your heart when your day arrives to grab hold or let go.

We should stay in alignment with our beliefs, assuming they are not harmful or hateful. When we align our life with the vision that shows itself as a product of all that we believe, we can do so much good for ourselves, the planet and our worlds. Living, doing, speaking and loving in accordance with what you want and believe in gives you so much clarity, power, energy. When you live this way your belief is fuel to do great things and love deeply and passionately. Honor, respect and believe in love, our mother earth, Santa, fairies and whatever else helps you to shine your light. Do no harm.

“So be good for goodness sake” - Gene Autry, Santa Claus is Comin to Town

Love xoxo


Big Wheels


I Know You Are But What Am I?